Talonettes 2022 Uniform Design
Talonettes is a Kinder - 6th grade drill team for AYFA. We perform on Saturdays at half time of the youth sports football games. We only perform at home games in Argyle at the high school stadium. We do not travel to the away games. We may also perform at a select number of playoff games, depending on the location of the game(s).
We have a one week camp in the summer (typically early August), where we break down and teach the girls our on field routine. The team will also learn several stand routines we perform during the game.
We will practice 1 afternoon per week for 75 minutes .
Additional activities: We may have the opportunity to perform at AT&T Stadium, with all of the other towns in our football league. We also participate in the AHS Homecoming Pep Rally. In the spring, we offer the girls the opportunity to perform at the AHS Majestics Spring Show.
Registration costs $275 and includes almost everything the girls will need for the season. Dancers returning from the 2021 squad can reuse their uniform, if it still fits, and will receive a discount off the registration fee.
Included with registration:
We ask the parents to provide a pair of nude jazz shoes (this typically cost about $25-$30 and can be bought at stores like Academy). All our uniforms are custom made and the production time usually takes most of the summer. Instructions will be provided to measure your daughter for her uniform.
No dance experience is necessary. Some girls will have lots and some will have none. We will provide the kids all the necessary skills they need to have an amazing season!
VP Drill
AYSA is a 100% volunteer organization. We appreciate all the help we can get, and any time that you can give! Here are some of the volunteer opportunities:
***If there is another way in which you would like to help, please let us know!
The Registration "Argyle Youth Drill Team" is not currently available.
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